College of Engineering Recognizes Stringhini for Research Excellence
By Millie Zhu and Allison Kleber
Congratulations to Assistant Professor Gianluca Stringhini, recipient of the 2022 Early Career Research Award from the Boston University College of Engineering! This award celebrates the newest and most groundbreaking research conducted by tenure-track faculty who are within 10 years of receiving their PhD.
A prolific scholar dedicated to security, privacy and safety in the virtual world, Professor Stringhini’s work to date spans such areas as designing computational tools to measure, model, and mitigate malicious activities online; protecting computers from ransomware; protecting users from online mobs launching coordinated harassment campaigns; and countering disinformation campaigns carried out by state-sponsored actors.
This vital research has received support from several National Science Foundation grants, including a 2020 CAREER Award. Stringhini’s work has been published by top computer security conferences, including the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy and the USENIX Security Symposium.
Professor Stringhini joined the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at BU in Fall 2018. His work has been recognized by awards such as the Best Paper Award at APWG eCrime Symposium in 2017, and a Google Research Award in 2015, among others. He was among the inaugural recipients of the BU/Red Hat Research Incubation Awards, and is regularly consulted by news media and other outlets for his expertise on malicious activity online (and occasionally, off), deplatforming, and even memes.