GDP Center Seeking Applications for 2023 Summer in the Field Fellowship
The GDP Center Summer in the Field Fellowship Program provides stipends to a select group of qualified BU Masters and/or Ph.D. students to participate in unpaid internships or field research for a dissertation project related to GDP Center’s mission of advancing policy-oriented research for financial stability, human well-being and environmental sustainability across the globe.
Corgan Internship Grant Recipients Share Their Summer Experiences
From Dubai to France to London, our students’ internships are pathways to gain on-the-job knowledge, expand their worldview, and further their career aspirations. The Pardee School caught up with some of the inaugural recipients of the Michael T. Corgan Internship Fund to discuss their career goals, the internships they’ve secured, and the impact of the Corgan Fund.
Tima Dasouki (Pardee ’22) Establishes BU Professional Clothing Closet
With the support of BU’s Newbury Center & Center for Career Development, Dasouki created the closet, which provides students with professional attire appropriate for interviews, networking events, career fairs, and the workplace free of charge.
Pardee School Launches New Michael T. Corgan Internship Fund
The new fund is part of a major initiative to provide Pardee School students with high-impact opportunities to advance their career goals in the field of international affairs.
Pardee School Students Awarded CAS Research Internships
Cristina Morrison (Pardee ’22) and Ariana Thorpe (Pardee ’22) will examine how infrastructures of nuclear technologies have systematically disenfranchised communities of color in New Mexico and Namibia.
Pardee Works: Danilowicz on Foreign Service Careers
Diplomat in Residence for New England Jon F. Danilowicz discussed navigating career and internship opportunities at the State Department.