Pardee School Welcomes 2017-18 Dean’s Ambassadors


The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University welcomed a new class of graduate and undergraduate Dean’s Ambassadors at a lunch reception held on February 12, 2018.

Dean’s Ambassadors are outstanding student citizens and leaders from the Pardee School’s graduate and undergraduate academic programs. They are passionate and knowledgeable about the Pardee School and about Boston University.

At the lunch reception, the 22 Dean’s Ambassadors heard from Pardee School academic leaders including Dean Adil Najam, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs William Grimes, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Associate Professor of International Relations Min Ye and Director of Graduate Studies and Professor of the Practice of International Relations Amb. Robert Loftis.

Najam charged the new Dean’s Ambassadors with the mission of representing the ideals and excellence of the Pardee School to both the Boston University community and wider world. 

We think of our Dean’s Ambassadors as the face of the school, and the future and present of the school. In some ways that’s the responsibility we want to give to you,” Najam said. “The ideal Dean’s Ambassadors to me would be those who take the representation of the school as pride. We are a new school still — we’re only in our fourth year — but we want to be a school that’s known for expanding and pushing at what it means to be a practitioner of international affairs.”

Ye commended the group of Dean’s Ambassadors, noting that the applications the Pardee School received this year were the most impressive in the history of the program.

“We are so glad to see such a large group of very bright and excellent representatives of the Pardee School,” Ye said. “As the Director of Undergraduate Studies and a professor at the Pardee School, I want to let you know that I’m happy to help you in any way when you’re thinking about your studies, your courses or your career.”

Amb. Loftis, former U.S. Ambassador to Lesotho, urged the Dean’s Ambassadors to take advantage of the numerous events hosted by the Pardee School as networking opportunities. 

“I look at the Dean’s Ambassadors as people who are reaching out into the student body and encouraging other students to come to events, and to look at every one of the events at the Pardee School as a networking opportunity,” Amb. Loftis said. “Every single one of these is a networking event. Encourage people to get out and come to one of them. Talk about your experiences. Think of this as a two-way street with your fellow students.”

Grimes welcomed the Dean’s Ambassadors and encouraged them to provide the school’s leadership with feedback on the academic offerings, event programming and student life at the Pardee School.

“Please pop in and ask any questions you may have,” Grimes said. “In the 22 years I’ve been here I’ve been involved all of the major curriculum reforms and revisions we’ve had, and I’m always interested to hear how things are going with new programs and old programs.”

The Pardee School Dean’s Ambassadors are chosen in a rigorous process from the school’s graduate and undergraduate programs. The role of the Dean’s Ambassador is to represent the Pardee School Dean and the school at special events, with prospective students, alumni, and distinguished guests. They serve as a liaison to the wider Boston University community as well as prospective students and families. Dean’s Ambassadors are outstanding student citizens and leaders from the Pardee School’s graduate and undergraduate academic programs. They are passionate and knowledgeable about the Pardee School and about Boston University.