MET Supply Chain Program Meets Industry Needs

MET Supply Chain Program Meets Industry Needs

As the trade of goods throughout the world evolves, thanks to shifting markets and technologies, so too do the professional opportunities. A recent report from MHI/Deloitte surveyed 1,100 supply chain and manufacturing leaders, and 63 percent said the biggest challenge they face is hiring and retaining a skilled workforce able to take advantage of the landscape’s emerging technology. In an interview featured in Fortune magazine, Associate Professor John Sullivan, who serves as chair of the MET Department of Administrative Sciences, expressed his belief that the field only stands to become more essential to the health of enterprises. “Supply chain management in most industries is going to be a critical component to survival, because if you have any disruption in your supply chain, you die,” he said.

Assistant Professor Canan Gunes Corlu, who teaches as part of the Master of Science in Supply Chain Management degree program, added that MET’s supply chain curriculum qualifies its graduates to meet these needs. “The commitment is to provide our students with knowledge and skills in the areas of highest demand by the industry,” she said

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