Saira Malhotra

CAS ’17 Psychotherapist

My primary work and training is in psychotherapy, with clients ages 10+. My main specialty is working with folks around how their environments and identities have shaped their self-perception and perception of the world. We identify these narratives, and address how they are contributing to their mental health. I am currently a co-investigator of a study on decolonizing psychotherapy with colleagues at Villanova University and the University of North Carolina, Greensboro. I am collaborating with another Kilachand Alum (Lex Laverriere, they/them) on a vodcast and consulting service for diversity, equity, and inclusion. I engage in advocacy through the CO chapter of the National Association of Social Workers as their Board President. I am currently working through a partnership between NASW and Flip the Vote.

Program of Study: 

  • Major: Psychology
  • Minor: Sociology

BU Involvement:

  • Psi Chi
  • Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP)
  • Research Assistant
  • Volunteer at the Center for Anxiety and Related Disorders (CARD)
  • Lead Receptionist at Hillel

Honors and Awards: 

  • Psi Chi
  • Nomination: Upcoming social worker of the year at Denver Graduate School of Social Work