Dean’s Message: Back2BU-SHA
Wednesday, July 1, 2020
This summer, our team at SHA has worked diligently with the BU community to create a safe and healthy environment for the incoming academic year. As shared previously by Boston University, the campus will re-open with in-person classes for the Fall 2020 semester. The following guidelines are what SHA will follow:
Learn from Anywhere (LfA)
LfA is the new learning framework SHA and the rest of BU will follow. This will include a mix of in-person, remote, and asynchronous components to create a flexible learning experience. LfA is designed to accommodate the diverse range of situations that students might find themselves in due to public health considerations, travel restrictions, or personal health circumstances.
Here’s what you need to know:
- This Fall, all incoming and returning SHA students can choose to attend in-person classes or take classes remotely via Zoom—as well as engage in both interchangeably.
- If you must self-isolate or leave campus at any point in the semester, the LfA approach will allow you to continue to participate in your classes and complete the semester.
- *Note: The University’s Medical Advisory Group is developing a detailed set of plans to ensure that students who have been exposed to COVID-19 receive appropriate medical attention.
Campus Life
In-House COVID-19 Testing and Tracing
SHA Resources & Additional Information
Additional information about life at SHA will be shared as we approach the semester. We appreciate everyone’s patience during this difficult time. We hope everyone continues to stay safe and healthy through it all. We truly miss having our SHA family around and can’t wait to bring back some normalcy to our wonderful community.