Devlin Moyer
Graduate Student Fellow (2021)
Interdisciplinary Programs, Bioinformatics
PhD Student, Bioinformatics
Devlin Moyer is a PhD student in the Bioinformatics Program at Boston University. He has a B.S. in biochemistry from Case Western Reserve University (2019), where his main research project was creating a database of U12-dependent introns in a wide variety of eukaryotic genomes and using that information to answer some questions about the evolution of U12-dependent introns. At BU, he largely focuses on simulating metabolic networks. He is developing a novel framework for incorporating sequencing data into metabolic models with the specific goal of developing higher-quality models for individual cancer patients for his thesis project. He is also developing a Python package for generating arbitrary large string chemistry networks and analyzing them with stoichiometric constraint-based modeling tools. His broader research interests include microbial community dynamics, the transition from prebiotic chemistry to biochemistry, and network-level perspectives on biological problems in general.
- Fellows
- Graduate Student Fellows