
View the calendar below to explore all upcoming events sponsored by the Institute and its affiliate centers and initiativesBrowse events by date, or select an event topic to narrow your search.

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All Topics (January 23 through March 31)

Friday, January 24

  • 9:00 AM CISE Graduate Student Workshop

    CGSW 11.0: CISE Graduate Student Workshop

    CGSW is an annual forum that provides students the opportunity to share their original research and hone their communication skills in an engaging,


Monday, January 27

Wednesday, January 29

Thursday, January 30

  • 12:00 PM Health Data Science Focused Research Program Workshop

    Event Description: Join us to learn about funding opportunities and meet potential collaborators working in various areas of Health Data Science. This Focused Research Program Workshop will provide


Friday, January 31

Monday, February 10

Wednesday, February 12

  • 12:00 PM Meet the Donaghue Foundation

    Are you looking for funding to support health services research? The Donaghue Foundation supports research that organizations can use to improve the value of their health care services. Its focus


Friday, February 14

Wednesday, February 19

  • 2:00 PM Sparking Innovation with NSF’s Dr. Erwin Gianchandani

    In 2022, the US National Science Foundation (NSF) announced the establishment of the Directorate for Technology, Innovation and Partnerships, or TIP, the agency's first new directorate in more than 30 years.


Monday, March 3

Thursday, March 6

Monday, March 17

Tuesday, March 25