Software & Application Innovation Lab
The Software & Application Innovation Lab (SAIL) at the Hariri Institute for Computing is a professional software design and development lab that serves as a collaborative resource for computational and data-driven research efforts across Boston University.
Recognizing that both the quality and impact of research are dependent on the development of high-grade software artifacts, the Institute launched SAIL in 2014 to provide researchers with professional software development capacity in support of projects that require cutting-edge solutions.
Supported projects focus on a wide range of topics and technologies, from using natural language processing to analyze large literature corpora, to solving record linkage problems for public health and economics applications, to building mobile applications for medical studies, to building smart-city services and platforms. SAIL is committed to promoting innovation within the research community and will learn new technologies and techniques as determined by the needs of any given project.
Support Services
SAIL provides consultations, project and budget planning assistance, prototype and software application development, and other forms of support to research efforts. Learn more below.
Clients & Projects
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SAIL consists of a small team of professional software architects and developers who are assigned to work directly with faculty members (and their research teams) on specific software and application development projects. Additionally, these professional software engineers supervise a team of BU student interns through the SAIL Internship Program. Professional SAIL staff act as the clearing house for software developed by students, thus allowing the research community to leverage the untapped software development capacity of undergraduate and graduate students at BU, while ensuring project continuity.