About the Hariri Institute

The Hariri Institute is a federation of 10 centers and initiatives spanning artificial intelligence (AI), computational science and engineering, computer systems and cloud computing, information and cyber security, and digital health. Our mission is to catalyze cross-disciplinary collaborations among researchers, enabling them to address important problems, make ground-breaking advances, build self-sustained research programs, and have lasting societal impact.

Our community of research scientists and engineers from academia, industry, national laboratories, hospitals, and other sectors is making fundamental methodological contributions and driving scientific progress and innovation to solve complex problems in healthcare, cyber security, robotics and autonomous systems, energy systems, cloud computing, quantum computing, and more. To advance our goal, the Institute invests in people, programs, and partnerships, supporting our research community with direct funding, opportunities for collaboration, state-of-the-art facilities, pre- and post-award grant administration, marketing and event support, as well as other administrative services.

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