Three ENG Professors Receive NSF Honors

Michael Economo, Hadi Nia, and Alyssa Pierson received Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to advance scientific research in their fields. The researchers receiving the awards are also laying the foundation for the next generation of scientists by using the funding to support students and youth educational programs and to diversify STEM.  A respected program that is highly competitive, NSF CAREER awards mark a significant achievement for early-career scientists.

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Going from Gauzy to Granular

Anna Devor and collaborators aim to extract neuronal circuit activity from fMRI, opening door for clinical applications By Patrick L. Kennedy Say you’re listening to a lecture and paying close attention. When that happens, your brain releases a chemical called acetylcholine. Later, though, you start to doze off. Suddenly, the professor calls your name. You […]

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