NSF Grant to Help BU PhD Students Attack Climate Change
The research traineeship grant will help PhD students collaborate on new ways to convert and store sustainable energy.
Professor Coskun and Team Will Collaborate with Sandia Labs on Applying AI to HPC
By Caroline Amato Professors Ayse Coskun, Manuel Egele, and Brian Kulis in ECE have received a $500K grant from Sandia National Labs for their project “Al-based Scalable Analytics for Improving Performance, Resilience, and Security of HPC Systems”. HPC refers to High Performance Computing. This is the practice of collecting computing power so that a large […]
Profs. Kulis and Nazer Promoted to Associate Professor with Tenure
ENG Profs. Brian Kulis (ECE, SE) and Bobak Nazer (ECE, SE) were promoted to Associate Professors, along with 24 other faculty members at the Charles River Campus.