As, Not For
More Like ThisAs, Not For
Dethroning Our Absolutes
November 4- February 19
Faye G., Jo, and James Stone Gallery
As, Not For is an incomplete historical survey of work created by African-American graphic designers over the last century. These practitioners are absent in too many classroom lectures, and their methods mostly invisible or uncredited in the field. This exhibition aims to promote the inclusion of neglected Black designers and their developed methodologies and challenge the ubiquity of White and anti-Black aesthetics in our designed world.
Curated by Jerome Harris in collaboration with Mary Yang and BU Graphic Design students.
Design Diversity
“I hope that those who saw the exhibition will remember the designers and their work and bring them into their own conversations,” says Yang. “Most importantly, I hope visitors left inspired and with the desire to keep learning. We all play a role in shaping history and our designed world.”