Fine Structure of the Aging Brain

Is a collection of electron micrographs illustrating the effects of aging on the fine structure of neurons and neuroglia in the cerebral hemispheres of the rhesus monkey that we have collected as part of our research during the last twenty years. As far as we know there is no comprehensive collection of such images available.

For convenience, the images on this web site are presented with an introduction, followed by a series of eighteen chapters  which describe and illustrate the effects of age on the various cellular components that make up the cerebral hemispheres. A summary of how some of these structural changes relate to cognitive decline appear on the page Structural alterations and cognitive decline.

We are making these images available at high resolution so that they can be downloaded and used for non-commercial, personal or educational purposes, according to our Terms of Use.

More information on normal aging can be found in our research papers on our Publications page.

All micrographs with labels and scale bars can be downloaded from within the chapters 7″X9″ at 240dpi.

Higher resolution images up to 7″X9″ at 600dpi can be found on the Download Images page.

For more information about us please go to the About us page.