
programs of study

4 years of guaranteed housing


among campuses with the most international students by Open Doors

Ranked #12 for employability in the US by Times Higher Education

A BU education: more valuable than ever.

With unparalleled opportunities, BU prepares you to succeed academically, professionally, and socially. Whatever career path, however things change, wherever in the world you go, you'll be ready.

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Go Global

Study abroad. Or see the world right here.

We have one of the nation's premier study abroad programs with 80+ options. But you'll also meet the world right here with classmates and faculty from 100+ countries, global internships and volunteer opportunities, and a wide selection of globally themed courses.

Explore Global Programs

Meet our students.

Who gets into BU? And who thrives? The academic profile will give you an idea, but students here are greater than the sum of their SAT scores. Our community is incredibly diverse. But students share many traits: They're smart, ambitious, looking to understand the world, develop their own innovations, form novel research questions, and proactively seek out new experiences.

Meet Terriers

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  • Matt Boucher Day in the Life at BU

    Featured Student

    Matt Boucher

    Take a sneak peek at how a mechanical engineering major spends his day (hint: there's research involved).

    Learn More

  • Jessica Silva Day in the Life at BU

    Featured Student

    Jessica Bajada Silva

    Environmental analysis & policy classes, a Kilachand Honors College Keystone proposal, Synchronized Swimming practice. See how Jessica Bajada Silva balances it all.

    Learn More

  • Jeffrey Lowe Day in the Life at BU

    Featured Student

    Jeffrey Lowe

    Read along as Jeffrey navigates a day filled with classes, his on-campus job, social time, and studying.

    Learn More

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You’ve seen a glimpse of the incredible experiences awaiting you at BU. Now, take the next step. Because at BU, the sky’s the limit.