Hugh O’Donnell

Professor of Art, Painting (CFA)

Teaches KHC VA 101: Art for the City

Hugh O’Connell’s painting fellowships include those to Gloucestershire College of Art (England) and Kyoto University of Arts (Japan). Awards include First Prize, Sir Whitworth Wallace Trust; Arts Council Award and Purchase Award, Arts Council of Great Britain; the 1989 Digital Dance Award. Commissions include: Works for Public Places (Arts Council and Arun District Council), Red Steps and set and costume design for the Siobhan Davies Dance Company. Exhibitions include: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Metropolitan Museum, New York; Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, Japan; XLII Venice Biennale, Italy; Hirshhorn Museum, Washington, DC; IV Medellin Biennal, Colombia. Public collections include: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York; Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York; Museum of Modern Art, New York; Albright-Knox Art Gallery, Buffalo; Virginia Museum of Fine Arts; Walker Art Center, Minneapolis; National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC; Rose Art Museum, Waltham, Massachusetts; British Council, United Kingdom; Victoria and Albert Museum, London; Arts Council of Great Britain; London Contemporary Arts Society. Numerous television appearances. Senior lecturer in painting at Brighton University (England), 1978–1987. From 1988 to 1996, adjunct professor, visiting critic, public lecturer, and master class workshop leader internationally, including Royal College of Art, Slade School of Fine Art (University College, London); Pasadena Art Center, Los Angeles; New York Studio School, Cooper Union, New York City; Pratt University, New York; University of Pennsylvania; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Director, School of Visual Arts, 1996–1998.

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