Schedule an appointment online


Registering (for first-time users)

On the log-in page, click the “Click here to register” link. Complete the registration form.  All fields are required. Your log-in name must be your BU e-mail address, but you may choose any password you like.  For your security, we recommend that you not use your Kerberos password. When you are finished, click “Register.”

Scheduling Appointments

  1. Log in using your BU e-mail address and the password you chose. 
  2. Look at the consultant names listed on the left side of the page. Next to each name you will see a list of course levels. Be careful to sign up for an appointment with a consultant who has your course level listed next to their name. For example, a WR 111 student should sign up only with consultants who have “WR 111” listed next to their names. You can use the “Limit To” drop-down box at the top of the page to only show WR 111 or WR 112 writing consultants. If you sign up for a consultant who is not able to tutor for your class level, your appointment will be moved to an appropriate consultant if one is available at the same time, or cancelled if one is not available. 
  3. Click on a white square to open an appointment time for scheduling. In the pop-up window, fill in the required information. Note the location of your appointment, listed at the top of the pop-up window. Click “Save Appointment.”

Waiting List

If all appointments are filled, click on the “clock” icon next to the date and the day of the week to add your name to the Waiting List. We will contact you if an appointment time on that day becomes available.

Viewing Your Scheduled Appointments

To view a list of all your scheduled appointments, click on “Control Panel” in the upper left corner of the schedule page. Your appointments will be listed in the “My Appointments” section.

Canceling Appointments

  1. Click on the appointment you wish to cancel.
  2. Click the “Cancel This Appointment” box at the bottom of the pop-up window. (This option is only available 9+ hours ahead of the appointment time).

Changing Your Password

To change your password, click on “My Control Panel” in the upper left corner of the schedule page. Next, click “Update My Profile & Password.”

If you need assistance or have any questions, please email, call 617-358-1500 during business hours, or visit the CAS Writing Center in person on the third floor of 100 Bay State Road, 3rd Floor.