Winter Bike Commuter Bingo

Do you bike commute year round? If so, the BUCK wants to know about it. But we want it to be fun, too. So, from now until March 31, (when employee and BUGWU bike benefits reciepts are due), we’d love you to join us for a round of winter commuter BINGO! Please take photos and  then email the checked off squares or post them to your instagram and tag us @bucyclekitchen. You may fill as many squares as you like, but standard bingo rules apply, that you must have filled at least 5 adjacent horizontal, vertical, or diagonal spaces.

Please get consent if you’re capturing photos of others, and try to use a single square per image. At the end of the challenge? Prizes!

This challenge is open to any and all BUCK users. See you soon, and don’t forget to check your tire pressure.


bingo board for the winter bike challenge
How many squares can you capture?

Not sure what some of these things are? Here are some of the lesser-known items:

Let us know if you need explanation for any of the other items!