How to…
Transportation Management Portal (CRC)
You will then be mailed a receipt confirming your order. Your cancellation will be approved during Parking & Transportation Services business hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm). You will receive a confirmation email when your cancellation has been processed. Cancellation must be processed before it is possible to order another permit. Your cancellation will be approved during Parking & Transportation Services business hours (Monday-Friday, 9am-5pm). You will receive a confirmation email when your cancellation has been processed and you may then follow these steps to ORDER A NEW PERMIT: You will then be mailed a receipt confirming your order. You will be sent an email confirming the change that you have made. You will be sent an email confirming the change that you have made.Order a Parking Permit
Cancel a Parking Permit
Change my Parking Permit Type
Update my vehicle information
Register a temporary vehicle (rental car, loaner vehicle, etc.)
Setup a daily parking account (MiParc)
for Student and Employee Non-deduction Flex Permits
After you have applied for a Student Flex or Employee Non-deduction Flex Permit in the Transportation Management Portal, please follow the instructions below to set up your Daily Parking Account (MiParc):
- Open a web browser and go to:
- Select Register
- Enter the required information and agree to terms and conditions (note: you must select “Boston University” under Facility(s) even though it is the only option listed). Please make note of your username and password for later use.
- Select Register
- Wait for receipt of email confirming registration approval (may take up to 1 business day)
After receiving confirmation email, add a payment method:
- Log in using your new Daily Parking Account username and password
- Select Pay Debit Bill
- Enter your daily parking rate ($10 for employees, $12 for students)*
- Enter your credit card information
- Select Save this card **
- Select Continue to advance to the next page
- Select Log out from the top right corner of the screen
Student Flex/Employee Flex Non-Deduction Permit holders may park in these locations.
*This amount will be charged to your credit card and will pay for your first day of parking. Employees who park in Zone 2 ($9/day) lots will pay $10/day and accrue an extra dollar each day until there are sufficient funds to pay for a day of parking (either $9 or $10) without charging your credit card.
**Failure to select “Save this card” will result in an account that is not automatically replenished and you will be denied entry at parking facilities after your first day of parking. This payment system is secure, encrypted, and PCI compliant.
Change or verify your mailing address
Verify/change your “Local Address” in StudentLink
- Log in to StudentLink.
- Select the “Personal” tab.
- Select “Address and Phone.”
- If your local address needs to be updated, click “Local” next to your local phone number and address (it does not appear to be a link but it is)
- Update your address information.
- Click “Update.”
Faculty & Staff
Updating your “Permanent Residence” in BUworks
- Log in to BUworks.
- Select the “Employee Self-Service” tab.
- Select “Personal Information”
- Select “Personal Profile” (This will open a pop-up window. You may need to “enable pop-ups.”)
- If your address needs to be updated, select the blue pencil/edit icon to the right of “Permanent residence.”
- Update your address information.
- Click the “Save” button at the top of the page.
If you are unable to update your address through these means, please email us.
Enroll/cancel/change the Employee MBTA Pass Benefit
Employees must submit new pass orders on or before the 10th of the preceding month. After this date our office is not able to stop or modify a payroll deduction. For example, October pass orders must be submitted on or before midnight (ET) September 10.
Follow these steps to enroll in and manage your Employee MBTA Pass Benefit:
- Log in to BUworks
- Select the Employee Self Service tab (top left)
- Select Campus Services (bottom right)
- Click Apply/Manage MBTA Pass Benefit from the appropriate campus services section