Quick Start
Available to: Students, Faculty, Researchers, Staff, Departments, New/Incoming Students
Cost: No charge for most; see the individual product descriptions.
- See Getting Started, below.
IS&T facilitates online software distribution and, for certain software, distribution via media. By negotiating favorable licensing terms, we make much of this software available without charge or at a reduced cost. We also maintain any necessary license servers.
Departments and individuals can easily obtain selected software without charge or at a reduced cost, without taking on the costs and risks associated with negotiating licenses and support contracts, setting up online distribution mechanisms, and operating license servers. The University optimizes economy and efficiency by negotiating lower prices on selected software, making it attractive for widespread adoption throughout the community.
Key Features
- Online distribution of most software makes it easy to obtain.
- Software is often available without charge or at a reduced cost.
- Central license servers make it easy to obtain licenses for software with special requirements, such as limited concurrent use or use from a BU network address.
Requirements vary by product; see the individual product descriptions.
Getting Started
See the list of individual products licensed and/or distributed by IS&T in the left-hand navigation for product descriptions and download instructions.