The courses below were offered in summer 2024. They are listed here to indicate what is typically available during Summer Term. Please check back on December 15, when the full summer 2025 course schedule will be available.
College of Arts & Sciences
Biology 1
CAS BI 107
For students who plan to major in the natural sciences or environmental science, and for premedical students. Required for Biology majors. No prerequisite. High school biology is assumed. The evolution and diversity of life; principles of ecology; behavioral biology. Students must register for two sections: lecture and laboratory. Carries natural science divisional credit (with lab) in CAS. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry I, Quantitative Reasoning I, Critical Thinking, Research and Information Literacy. 4 cr.
Biology 2
CAS BI 108
For students planning to major in the natural sciences and for premedical students. Required for Biology majors. It is strongly recommended students complete CAS CH 101 (or equivalent) before this course. High school biology is assumed. Cell and molecular biology, Mendelian & molecular genetics, physiology, and neurobiology. Students must register for two sections: lecture and laboratory. Carries natural science divisional credit (with lab) in CAS. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry II, Quantitative Reasoning II, Critical Thinking, Teamwork/Collaboration. 4 cr.
Human Infectious Diseases
CAS BI 114
A study of the world's major human diseases: their causes, effects on history, pathology, and cures. Principles of immunology. Emphasis on present maladies such as AIDS, herpes, cancer, mononucleosis, tuberculosis, influenza, and hepatitis. This course is appropriate for non-majors and students in the health and paramedical sciences (Sargent College). Not for Biology or BMB major or minor credit. Students must register for two sections: lecture and laboratory. Carries natural science divisional credit (with lab) in CAS. Effective Fall 2018, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry I, Quantitative Reasoning II, Critical Thinking. 4 cr.
Marine Biology
CAS BI 260
Undergraduate Prerequistes: (CAS BI 107) or consent of instructor. Life in the seas: its ecology, evolution, and human impacts. Includes behavioral, physiological, structural, ecological, and evolutionary perspectives. A prerequisite for the Marine Semester. Students must register for two sections: lecture and discussion. Effective Spring 2019, this course fulfills a single unit in each of the following BU Hub areas: Scientific Inquiry I, Critical Thinking, Research and Information Literacy. 4 cr.