Academic Policies

Academic policies during the summer at Boston University follow the same basic guidelines as those that apply to fall and spring semesters. In this section, you will find important academic information regarding earning academic credit, transferring credits, requesting transcripts, grading, taking courses pass/fail, and more.

Academic credit

A full-time course load is enrollment in 8 credits if studying in one standard six-week summer session or a minimum of 12 credits if studying during both summer sessions over a period of 12 weeks.

Credit for BU courses offered during Summer Term may be applied toward any BU degree under conditions established by the faculty recommending for the degree; but in view of the diverse requirements for different degrees, students should have their selections approved in advance at the BU school or college to which the credit is to be submitted.

Transfer of credit

BU students are expected to take their summer courses at BU Summer Term whenever possible. Students who would like to take a course at another institution must get pre-approval from their school or college before taking the course. Visit your school’s advising office or student services office for directions on how to proceed.

Please note that courses offered through other universities do not carry Hub units. Because summer transfer courses may not be used to meet BU general education requirements, you should consult with your advisor before registering for a course at another institution.

BU courses that carry Hub units during the fall and spring carry those same Hub units when offered in the summer. For a listing of the Summer Term courses by Hub unit, please visit Summer Hub Courses.

Visiting students expecting to transfer summer credit to other institutions should secure advance approval of their course selections from the institution to which they wish to transfer credit.

Transcript of grades

Requests for official transcripts may be made using the MyBU Student Portal. A fee is charged for all official transcripts. Please refer to the Registrar’s office website for complete information on how to order an official transcript.

Official transcripts can also be obtained in person at the Registrar’s office during regular business hours. A valid photo ID is required. Please contact the Registrar’s office for any questions you might have.

Boston University Office of the Registrar
881 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

Phone: 617-353-3612


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