Staff Spotlight: Andrew Vigue
Meet Andrew Vigue, Assistant Director, Reservations & Events!
Tell us about yourself.
“I grew up in Maine and graduated from BU’s School of Hospitality. After graduation, I worked for Marriott Hotels in Washington, DC, before moving back to Boston to start working for BU Events & Conferences. Despite a brief hiatus, I have worked at BU since then, rotating through a few different positions in Events & Conferences to my current role of Assistant Director of Reservations & Events for the Reservations team. ”
What is your area of expertise?
“I have been living and breathing 25Live since we implemented it on campus back in 2016. As a functional administrator, I help to keep the system running with a specific focus on event administration. I lead regular trainings for event requestors, and I train all new location schedulers. I also know the annual cycle of campus events inside and out, so I know when and where new events can work based on other event activity on campus.”
What is your favorite thing about working at BU?
“My favorite thing about working at BU is that my job is like putting together a giant puzzle. Juggling multiple event requests and figuring out the best locations that will lead to the most successful event experiences is extremely satisfying.”
Recognition from Appreciative Colleagues
Andrew was awarded the 2023 CAS Outstanding Service Award because his “ongoing work to support CAS staff members in their management of events and their request for reservations has been invaluable and greatly appreciated.”
What do you like to do outside of work?
“I like to visit breweries in New England and beyond and try new beers – I have an Instagram account devoted to my beerventures! During COVID, I attended the University of Vermont’s Beer School to learn how to operate a brewery. When I’m not seeking out a new brew, I like to run and occasionally compete in local races. ”
Tell us a fun fact about you!
“While in college, I did internships at Walt Disney World, SeaWorld, and in Australia for the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.”