Building Codes

Code Full Name Street Address
AAS African-American Studies 138 Mountfort Street
AGG Agganis Arena 925 Commonwealth Avenue
ASC Academic Support Center 300 Babcock Street
BAB Babcock Street 300 Babcock Street
BRB Biology Research Building 5 Cummington Mall
BSC Biological Science Center 2 Cummington Mall
CAS College of Arts & Sciences 685-725 Commonwealth Avenue
CDS Dahn Family Center for Computing & Data Sciences 665 Commonwealth Avenue
CFA College of Fine Arts 855 Commonwealth Avenue
CGS College of General Studies 871 Commonwealth Avenue
CLN Clinical Psychology 900 Commonwealth Avenue
COM College of Communication 640 Commonwealth Avenue
CRW DeWolfe Crew Boathouse 619 Memorial Drive
CSE Case Physical Education Center 285 Babcock Street
EGL English Faculty Offices 236 Bay State Road
EIB Editorial Institute Building 143 Bay State Road
EIL Eilberg Lounge (Case Center) 285 Babcock Street
EMA Engineering Manufacturing Annex 730 Commonwealth Avenue
EMB Engineering Manufacturing Building 15 St. Mary’s Street
ENG College of Engineering 110-112 Cummington Mall
EOP Center for English Language & Orientation Programs 890 Commonwealth Avenue
EPC Engineering Product Innovation Center 750 Commonwealth Avenue
ERA Engineering Research Annex 48 Cummington Mall
ERB Engineering Research Building 44 Cummington Mall
FAB Fenway Activities Building 180 The Riverway
FCB Fenway Classroom Building 25 Pilgrim Road
FCC Fenway Campus Center 150 The Riverway
FLR Fuller Building 808 Commonwealth Avenue
FOB Faculty Office Building (Alden Hall) 704 Commonwealth Avenue
FRC Fitness & Recreation Center 915 Commonwealth Avenue
GDP Global Development Policy Center 53 Bay State
GSU George Sherman Student Union 775 Commonwealth Avenue
HAR Rafik B. Hariri Building, Questrom School of Business 595 Commonwealth Avenue
HAW Hawes Building 43 Hawes Street, Brookline
HIS History and American Studies 226 Bay State Road
IEC International Education Center 888 Commonwealth Avenue
IRB International Relations Building 154 Bay State Road
IRC International Relations Center 152 Bay State Road
JSC Judaic Studies Center 147 Bay State Road
KCB Kenmore Classroom Building 565 Commonweatlh Avenue
KHC Kilachand Honors College 91 Bay State Road
Law Law School 765 Commonwealth Avenue
LEV Leventhal Center 233 Bay State Road
LNG Romance Studies, Modern Foreign Languages & Comparative Literature 718 Commonwealth Avenue
LSE Life Science & Engineering Building 24 Cummington Mall
MCH Marsh Chapel 735 Commonwealth Avenue
MCS Math & Computer Science 111 Cummington Mall
MET Metropolitan College 1010 Commonwealth Avenue
MOR Morse Auditorium 602 Commonwealth Avenue
MUG Mugar Memorial Library 771 Commonwealth Avenue
PHO Photonics Building 6-8 St. Mary’s Street
PLS Anthropology, Philosophy, Political Science, African Studies Center 232 Bay State Road
PRB Physics Research Building 3 Cummington Mall
PSY Psychology 64-72-86 Cummington Mall
PTH Playwrights’ Theatre 949 Commonwealth Avenue
REL CAS Religion 145 Bay State Road
SAC Sargent Activities Center 1 University Road
SAL Sailing Docks Charles River Behind BU Bridge
SAR Sargent College 635 Commonwealth Avenue
SCI Metcalf Science Center 590-596 Commonwealth Avenue
SHA School of Hospitality Administration 928 Commonwealth Avenue
SLB Science Library Building 30-38 Cummington Mall
SOC Sociology 96-100 Cummington Mall
SSW School of Social Work 264-270 Bay State Road
STH School of Theology 745-755 Commonwealth Avenue
STO Stone Science Building 675 Commonwealth Avenue
THA Joan & Edgar Booth Theatre 820 Commonwealth Avenue
TTC Track & Tennis Center 100 Ashford Street
WEA Wheelock College of Education & Human Development Annex 621 Commonwealth Avenue
WED Wheelock College of Education & Human Development 2 Silber Way
YAW Yawkey Center for Student Services 100 Bay State Road