Students Embrace African Languages and Cultures through FLAS
At Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, students are embarking on life-changing journeys, mastering African languages and immersing themselves in diverse cultures – all while receiving funding for their studies. The Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship program opens doors for students across disciplines, offering unique opportunities for academic growth and cultural exchange.
Amb. Mary Beth Leonard (CAS’84) & Pardee Alum Discuss Upcoming Nigerian Election
Ambassador Mary Beth Leonard (CAS’84) and Sterling Roop (Pardee ’09), Deputy Director of Peace and Democratic Governance at USAID, Nigeria explore the significance of this election in Nigeria, the wide field of candidates, the potential for violence and intimidation, as well as the country’s current and future political landscape.
Pardee School Graduate Students Visit UN and Diplomatic Missions in NYC
Students received a guided tour of the UN headquarters and visited four missions and a number of dignitaries where they learned about how much these states use the potential that multilateralism offers and what they do to overcome challenges stemming from their limited resources and inbuilt perception of their secondary role in global affairs.
Policy Leaders Forum: Ambassador Mary Beth Leonard (CAS ’84)
Ambassador Leonard remarked on U.S.-Nigeria relations, highlighting the impact current events are having on this relationship, including the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the rise of China, and the ever-changing geopolitical landscape.
Klinger Tours Nigeria’s Space Research and Development Agency
Prof. Julie Klinger toured Nigeria’s Space Research and Development Agency including its Centre for Space Transport and Propulsion.
Lecture Focuses on Changes Under Buhari
The lecture with UMass Boston Professor Darren Kew was hosted by the African Studies Center.