The Graduate Certificate in Muslim Studies is offered by the Pardee School and its Institute on Culture, Religion, & World Affairs (CURA). It can be earned by post-baccalaureate students in any Boston University graduate or professional program who fulfill the requirements outlined below, in addition to the requirements of their degree programs. No additional coursework is required because courses completed for the Muslim Studies Certificate also fulfill requirements toward students’ degree programs. The certificate enriches the disciplinary and professional training of students with a focused multidisciplinary curriculum of courses.
This certificate can easily be undertaken by students in the MAIA, MGP and IR/MBA programs. Combination with other Pardee School degree programs is possible but may prove logistically difficult.
- Students must successfully complete at least 16 credits of coursework (4 standard courses) in courses primarily focused on the Muslim world, with a minimum grade of B- in each course
- Concentration requirement: At least two of the four courses must focus on a sub-regional or substantive area (e.g. Middle East and North Africa, Southeast Asia, South Asia, Central Asia, Islamic studies)
- Courses must be chosen from at least two departments
- No more than 4 credits can be in directed study or research, except with written permission of the Director of CUR).
- Students must complete a piece of significant research such as an M.A., M.F.A. thesis, or doctoral dissertation, or two substantial research papers in graduate-level seminars
- Demonstrate reading knowledge of language relevant to the course of study. For students in Pardee degree programs, this can be done via the standard Pardee foreign language exam.
- Receive approval of completion from the Director of CURA and the student’s departmental
faculty advisor