Garčević Comments on U.S. Midterm Elections
In an interview with Montenegrin public broadcaster Radio Television Crna Gora (RTCG), Ambassador Vesko Garčević, Professor of the Practice of International Relations at Boston University’s Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, commented on the potential outcome of the United States mid-term elections and discussed a potential impact on the Presidential election in 2024.
In his remarks, Garčević highlights that three issues – economy, crime, and abortion rights – were at the center of public discourse for some time and dominated the electorate campaigns of all candidates. Describing the elections as “critically important” for the future of the U.S., he projected that the Republicans would likely win the House of Representatives and had good chances to regain the majority in the Senate, too. Whatever the mid-term results were, Garčević said that former President Trump might take it as a pretext to run for President again in 2024.
Garčević also mentions that currently, the U.S. is operating four parties packed in a “two-party system.” Both, the Republican and Democrat parties are politically heterogeneous, and he argues that often moderate Republicans and Democrats have more things in common than their party colleagues on the right and left sides.
Garčević’s full interview can be viewed (in Bosnian) on RTCG‘s website. His segment begins at 10:20.
During his diplomatic career, Ambassador Vesko Garčević dealt with issues pertinent to European security and NATO for almost 14 years. In 2004, he was posted in Vienna to serve as Ambassador to Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe. He had been Montenegro’s Ambassador to NATO from 2010 until 2014 and served as Montenegro’s National Coordinator for NATO from 2015 until he joined the faculty at the Pardee School. Learn more about Ambassador Garčević on his faculty profile.