VIDEO: Jenny White on Turkey’s Challenges

The Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies sponsored the 20th annual Campagna-Kerven Lecture Series on Modern Turkey on April 15, entitled, “The Turkish Complex; Big Man, Hero, Traitor, State.”

The lecture was delivered by Jenny White, Boston University Professor of Anthropology. It was cosponsored by the Institute for the Study of Muslim Societies and Civilizations, an affiliated center of the Pardee School.

Video from the event was published by BUniverse earlier this month. You can view it here.

The lecture examined the cult of personality around Turkish leader Recep Erdogan, a controversial and polarizing figure. White argued that Erdogan had cultivated a legend of being a ‘big man,’ fostering a kind of magical thinking that his personal power would be enough to cope with Turkey’s thorny issues of Muslim and secular identity.

For more information on the Campagna-Kerven Lecture Series, click here.