Welcome to the Department of Mathematics and Statistics at Boston University!  In housing the fields of both mathematics and statistics in a single department, we offer a unique opportunity for both faculty and students to develop a broader and more powerful perspective on these ideas that manifest in cutting-edge research and excellent educational opportunities.

Our department hosts vibrant research groups in Applied Mathematics, Dynamical Systems, Geometry and Physics, Number Theory, and Probability and Statistics.

We offer graduate degree programs for PhDs in Mathematics and in Statistics, an MS in Statistical Practice, and MAs in Mathematics and in Statistics.

We also offer undergraduate degree programs in applied mathematics, pure mathematics, and statistics, as well as joint degrees with computer science, economics, education, philosophy, and physics.

Additionally, we host the educational outreach programs GeMsGetMath@BU, PROMYS, PROMYS for Teachers, and PROMYS Pathways.

We are institutional members of the American Mathematical Society (AMS), Association for Women in Mathematics (AWM), Mathematical Association of America (MAA), National Association of Mathematicians (NAM), Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM), and Spectra, and we are an academic sponsor of the Mathematical Sciences Research Institute (MSRI).