Ben Getchell

Software Engineer, SAIL

MS, Boston University
BA, Boston University
MCS 177

Ben Getchell is a Software Engineer at the Software & Application Innovation Lab (SAIL). Ben designs, develops, and deploys software systems and platforms that deliver cybersecurity and secure multi-party computation capabilities in real-world scenarios. In addition to contributing to the NSF-funded CICI “Trustworthy Computing over Protected Datasets” effort, Ben also builds open source libraries, applications, systems, and databases in domains such as data science, digital humanities, cybersecurity, and others.

In Summer 2016, Ben joined the SAIL team as a Software Engineer Intern in the lab’s inaugural internship program. He has worked with Cathie Jo Martin (Political Science, CAS) on her Hariri Research Award, researching and applying natural language processing techniques to a data set of British and Danish novels to explore how views of education influence historical trends.

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