Student & Advisor Responsibilities

Advising Learning Goals

  • Articulate the intent of general education, school/college, and program requirements.
  • Craft, execute, and continually assess a coherent educational plan, including post graduate options, based on assessment of abilities, aspirations, interests, and values.
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the policies and procedures that guide progress to the degree.
  • Identify and access campus resources and co-curricular opportunities to help reach educational, career, and life goals.

Student & Advisor Responsibilities

To complement your academic experience, our advising team has created a tailored program in accordance with the University’s academic advising philosophy. Knowing and understanding your role in the process as well as the role of your advisor is essential. We have outlined the following responsibilities of students and advisors:

Student Responsibilities

  • Be proactive! Initiate contact with your advisor and schedule ongoing individual meetings
  • Participate fully in the advising experience by communicating your passions, goals, and questions
  • Keep your advisor apprised of changes in academic progress, course selection, and goals
  • Sharpen time-management, goal-setting, and decision-making skills
  • Explore and learn the requirements for various majors offered at the University
  • Explore opportunities for co-curricular activities
  • Be responsible for your education and accountable for your decisions, including those regarding University policies

Advisor Responsibilities

  • Create a supportive and caring environment for advising meetings
  • Encourage you to explore your passions, talents, and goals
  • Offer advice and guidance on selecting courses and academic programs
  • Provide strategies to help you improve time-management, goal-setting, and
  • decision-making skills
  • Encourage exploration of various majors and provide relevant resources
  • Encourage your involvement in co-curricular activities
  • Explain and clarify University policies and procedures

How to Prepare for an Academic Advising Appointment