ASM Eastern Fellowship Meeting: Report

a group of people standing or sitting for a group picture
The Eastern Fellowship of the American Society of Missiologists met at Stony Point Retreat Center, New York from November 4-5, 2022. The 38 participants included well-known missiologists, theologians, and scholars and researchers of missiology and World Christianity. On the first day of the meeting, participants spent time discussing the findings of the recently released monumental work World Christian Encyclopedia. The next day, the following authors presented their newly published books – Michele Sigg (’18) presented her book Birthing Revival: Women and Mission in Nineteenth-Century France, James Jinhong Kim presented Global Christianity and the Early Letters of Horace G. Underwood, Kyama M. Mugambi presented A Spirit of Revitalization: Urban Pentecostalism in Kenya, and Thomas John Hastings presented Worshiping, Witnessing, and Wondering.
More details here.