Spell out months and days of the week. Use numerals for the date and time of day and do not use ordinal numbers in dates.

  • April 1, 2006, was the day…. (not April 1st, 2006)
  • On Monday, September 2, the professor….
  • You are invited…on March 15, 2022, at 3 pm.

When using only a month and year, do not use a comma to separate them:

  • The visiting scholars are expected in September 2022.

Seasons are lowercased:

  • The students will graduate in spring 2022.

Write 2021–22 or 2021–2022 for the academic year (note the en dash to denote a range). Avoid writing 2021/22.

In times of day eliminate unnecessary figures, and do not capitalize or use periods with am and pm.

  • 7–9 pm (not 7:00–9:00 pm)

Use am and pm in general text (without periods, and omit :00):

  • 7 am or 5 pm (not 7:00 am or 5:00 pm)

Use noon instead of 12 pm.

Express years or times in parallel construction, or use an en dash to denote a range:

  • From 1997 to 2007
  • from 9 to 10:30 am
  • 7–9 pm
  • January 18–22, 2022

Avoid references such as “next week,” “yesterday,” “last semester” and the like. People may read what you write well into the future without any way to tell when it was written. Instead, use specific dates if it makes sense to do so or rewrite so that chronology is evident some other way.