CGS Syllabus: Food in London

By Gabrielle Drillis Traveling abroad presents endless opportunities to connect with peers, explore new places, learn about different cultures, and indulge in foreign cuisines. Furthermore, students are given the opportunity to learn in a unique, hands-on environment where they are fully immersed into the content of the curriculum.  Master Lecturer John Regan took this opportunity […]

From CGS Student to Published Author

By Gabrielle Drillis When Marcus Wachira (‘22, ENG ‘24) started his gap semester as a first-year CGS student, he couldn’t have predicted that just three years later he’d be a published author. Wachira is a senior studying mechanical engineering with a passion for creative writing. During his time at BU, he has earned the title […]

My CGS Experience: Developing a Love for the Humanities

By Sana Iqbal We all come into this world as a blank canvas, waiting for people and experiences to leave a mark on us. Among all my learning experiences, the influence of the College of General Studies has left the most influential mark on me. The day I received my acceptance letter to CGS was […]

Senior Spotlight 2023

To celebrate the Class of 2023, we asked graduates who attended CGS to share their memories, proudest accomplishments, and plans for the future. Congratulations Class of 2023! Iris Fitzsimmons Christensen, CGS and CAS, Spanish and International Relations Major What student organizations have you been involved in? Delta Phi Epsilon, Migration Tales, UROP, Global House What […]

Experiencing London

When Maya Ferris (’21, CAS’23) learned that she would have the opportunity to go to London with the College of General Studies, two years after the Covid-19 pandemic caused her first-year summer semester to be held online, she immediately jumped at the opportunity. “I was so excited that I would finally be able to experience […]

Senior Spotlight 2022

To celebrate the Class of 2022, we asked graduates who attended CGS to share their memories, proudest accomplishments, and plans for the future. Congratulations Class of 2022! Kaitlyn Kelley, CGS and SAR, Health Science Major What student organizations have you been involved in? Alpha Phi, Sargent Peer Mentors What have you done in your time […]

Senior Spotlight 2021

To celebrate the Class of 2021, we asked graduates who attended CGS to share their memories, proudest accomplishments, and plans for the future. Congratulations Class of 2021! Amanda Fay, CGS and CAS, Psychology Major What student organizations have you been involved in? BU Women’s Soccer What do you have planned for the future? Recently accepted […]

My CGS: A Q&A with Sydney Pickering

When Sydney Pickering (CGS ’20, CAS ’22) was presented with an opportunity to join the Boston Celtics dance team, during her gap semester, she moved from her home in Los Angeles to Boston five months early to join the team.

#My100Days: To Asia and Back

Graham Rodes (CGS’20) took the gap semester to work, focus on building a skill, travel, and get out of his comfort zone. He says, “It was for me the first time I could step back from my personal bubble and view how I interact with other cultures, which was an amazing learning experience.”