Senior Spotlight 2023

To celebrate the Class of 2023, we asked graduates who attended CGS to share their memories, proudest accomplishments, and plans for the future. Congratulations Class of 2023!

Iris Fitzsimmons Christensen, CGS and CAS, Spanish and International Relations Major

What student organizations have you been involved in?

Delta Phi Epsilon, Migration Tales, UROP, Global House

What have you done in your time at BU that you’re most proud of?

I am most proud of my essay I published in Spanish about the oldest medieval Spanish epic.

What do you have planned for the future?

I am going to get my Master’s degree in Hispanic Literature.

What is your favorite memory of CGS?

I am so grateful to all the professors and friends I met through CGS. I would not have had the same experience without them and I was so lucky to have them in my life.

Jude Hoag, CGS, CAS, and Pardee, Political Science and International Relations Major

What student organizations have you been involved in?

BU Debate Society, BU Democrats, Q, International Relations Review, First Gen Honor Society, Pi Sigma Alpha

What have you done in your time at BU that you’re most proud of?

Running APDA debate nationals with no prior experience.

What do you have planned for the future?

I will be attending Harvard Law School focusing on, hopefully, administrative/regulatory law.

What is your favorite memory of CGS?

Our London trip—after the pandemic stole most of our college journey—was deeply important and impactful to me. In retrospect, I’m grateful to Dean McKnight for her dedication to making that happen. My other favorite part of CGS has been the philosophy we went over in our courses. It has been the subject that has stuck with me the most out of CGS.

Fiona Kean, CGS and SHA, Communications Major with Concentration in Real Estate

What have you done in your time at BU that you’re most proud of?

I’m most proud of following my dreams and getting a concentration in real estate.

What do you have planned for the future?

I’m starting a real estate career for Douglas Elliman in South Florida.

What is your favorite memory of CGS?

My favorite memory is being on a Zoom call with Dean Godnick during the pandemic – we were just simply talking about life. She’s the best!

Millie Zhu, CGS and COM, Advertising and Film & TV Major

What student organizations have you been involved in?

BU Global China Connection (Marketing Director)

What have you done in your time at BU that you’re most proud of?

Being the marketing director at BUGCC, and also the marketing assistant at BU ECE, where I designed a lot of posters that are in the Photonics building.

What do you have planned for the future?

Going to grad school at USC Annenberg

What is your favorite memory of CGS?

My favorite memory of CGS was being in Professor Lynch’s class. His passion and dedication still gives me motivation in social justice and making the world a better place.

Mariana Villegas Suez, CGS and CAS, Sociology Major, Political Science Minor

What student organizations have you been involved in?

Alianza Latina and BU Class Gift

What have you done in your time at BU that you’re most proud of?

Honestly, the accomplishment of making it through the “interesting times” of the pandemic and finding community BUT also learning some craft skills and selling my jewelry online :)

What do you have planned for the future?

Taking a break from school to teach, and then going back to grad school!

What is your favorite memory of CGS?

The pandemic made things really difficult, especially after taking a gap semester. I felt so lonely and had a period where I really struggled, and I am so thankful for the wonderful professors that worked with me and were worried about me. We didn’t have the ideal CGS experience but we survived and I’m glad I met the people I did! ❤️

Dylan Chow, CGS and CAS, Psychology Major and Interdisciplinary Studies Minor

What have you done in your time at BU that you’re most proud of?

Directed study with Professor Lamontagne

What do you have planned for the future?

I’m currently applying to business school!

Luis Rosales, CGS and SAR, Health Science Major

What student organizations have you been involved in?

Students for Reproductive Freedom

What have you done in your time at BU that you’re most proud of?

Working with SRF to establish the contraceptive vending machine in the GSU

What do you have planned for the future?

Law school

What is your favorite memory of CGS?

Being in CGS, I met so many people that I still have a very strong relationship with. Additionally, Professor Byttebier, Lynch and Pederson have greatly impacted me and to this day I still use all the lessons they taught me from their classes.

Abigail Lowry, CGS and COM, Public Relations Major, Innovation & Entrepreneurship Minor

What student organizations have you been involved in?

Build Lab, Study Abroad, Student Government and a few clubs here and there

What have you done in your time at BU that you’re most proud of?

I am most proud of my directed study on ESG trends with Fortune 100 companies.

What do you have planned for the future?

Continue looking for jobs after returning home for the summer

What is your favorite memory of CGS?

I have been so lucky to have taken classes in CGS and gotten to meet such amazing humans and be a part of our wonderful little community, and I will miss everyone in it.

 Paul Ovadek, CGS and Pardee, International Relations Major

What student organizations have you been involved in?

Dean’s Host @ CGS; Dean’s Ambassador @ Pardee; Student Facilitator for Orientation; Peer Mentor for FY 101; Barista @ GSU Starbucks

What have you done in your time at BU that you’re most proud of?

I’m really proud of the role that I played in establishing events designed to help CGS students transition into academic life at Pardee. I look forward to seeing these events grow further, to best prepare CGS students to continue into Pardee, in the coming years!

What do you have planned for the future?

I currently don’t have any plans set in stone, but I’m looking forward to using my academic and interpersonal experiences to help others throughout the world and to better my communities!

What is your favorite memory of CGS?

My favorite memories from my time in CGS include the reception for winning my group’s Capstone project—as it was nice to celebrate our achievement with my family, friends, professors, and the CGS community, even if via Zoom—and the one-week trip to London that I took with my friends and professors. It was great to see so many familiar faces again!