WORLD CHRISTIANITY SUMMER INSTITUTE Connecting Christians from the Global North and South, East and West Theme: Poverty and the Church 30 June to 5 July 2024 (Sunday to Friday) WESTMINSTER COLLEGE, CAMBRIDGE, UK CCCW runs an annual residential Summer Institute on ‘World Christianity and Global Challenges’ in Cambridge. It is a wonderful opportunity for Christians […]

Yale-Edinburgh 2024: Call for papers

Yale-Edinburgh 2024 Call for papers The Yale-Edinburgh 2024 conference will be hosted by the Yale Divinity School, New Haven, CT, 26th-28th June, 2024. The theme is Spirit and the Spiritual: Ancestors, Deities and the Holy Spirit in Church, and Mission. Missions from the West brought Christianity into worlds with a wide array of cosmologies. Recipient cultures embraced the […]

International Conference, Berlin, 19–21 September 2024

Christian Internationalism in war and post-war times, c. 1890–1930 International Conference, Berlin, 19–21 September 2024 Conveners: Prof. Dr. Judith Becker, Berlin, and PD Dr. Felicity Jensz, Münster The late nineteenth century was a time of heightened nationalism. Somewhat paradoxically, it was also the period in which Christian internationalism and interdenominationalism – the young ecumenical movement […]

World Christianity Conference in Ghana: Call for Papers

CALL FOR PAPERS 2024 REVISITING WOMEN AND GENDER IN WORLD CHRISTIANITY Fifth International, Interdisciplinary Conference co-organized by the World Christianity and History of Religions Program (Dept. of History and Ecumenics), Overseas Ministries Study Center, Princeton Theological Seminary; and the Department for the Study of Religions, School of Arts, College of Humanities, University of Ghana Venue: […]

IAMS 2026

In June, the new executive committee of the International Association for Mission Studies met in Seoul, Korea to plan for the next quadrennium. In addition to setting the location for the 2026 meeting in Pretoria, South Africa, Michele Sigg, the North American representative, and the other delegates selected the theme “Walking Together in Mission: Facing […]

CGCM Publication: Creative Collaborations

The Center for Global Christianity and Mission spearheaded a major initiative to research missional collaborations in North America. In addition to a report presented to the World Council of Churches, some of the findings were put into a new volume, Creative Collaborations: Case Studies of North American Missional Practices. The case studies in this book, […]