Nutrition is an essential cornerstone of prevention and therapy for many chronic diseases and conditions. Boston University is committed to helping members of the BU community make healthy eating choices by offering a range of support and services.
Nutrition By Design
All BU faculty & staff members are eligible for individual nutrition counseling sessions with an Sargent Choice Nutrition Center (SCNC) Registered Dietitian Nutritionist (RDN) through the Nutrition By Design Program.
The Nutrition By Design (NBD) program includes up to 4 one-hour sessions with an SCNC RDN for a one-time payment of $50. Our expert RDNs will work with you to plant helpful habits, disrupt unwanted habits, and cultivate a thoughtful approach to eating and enjoying your favorite foods.
Sign up for the program online using the secure online registration form.
On-line Resources
- Sargent Choice Nutrition Center website for more information
- Custom Nutrition Seminars for your department or team
- Sargent Choice Recipes for delicious meals with health-promoting ingredients
- Microwave Meal Video Series for quick-and-easy inspiration!