Quick Start

Available to: Students, Faculty, Staff, Departments, New/Incoming Students

Cost: No charge

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Cashier provides a variety of tools and interfaces to process cash, check, credit card, and Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments and disbursements across the university.

Students/Parents/Alumni – Payments can be collected for student tuition and fees, services or merchandise transactions for tax or tax-exempt purposes, register for Student Choice Refunds or establish a Tuition Payment Plan or Parking Payment deposits. Cashier Services integrates with Student Accounts and Parking systems and more.

Departmental Staff and Faculty– Cashier covers the process to record the receipt of cash, checks and credit card payments for department deposits by campus. Cashier also includes the Petty Cash Replenishment procedures by campus. Departments can establish Cashier Payment Gateway Integration using Nelnet for their department and/or website. Cashier provides Financial System (SAP) integration.

For assistance with any of these services, contact the Financial Affairs Service Portal



The Cashier Services solution is cloud hosted by the vendor Nelnet which allows us to reduce paper transactions, reduce manual efforts and save time; it eliminates the need for the university to provide infrastructure for PCI (Payment Card Industry) Level 2 which reduces risk and makes PCI certification much simpler. Credit Card related direct support is provided by Nelnet.

Cashier provides a secure, timely, cost-efficient means for entry, display, and processing of payment and disbursement transactions. It ensures adherence to university audit and accounting requirements and to industry regulatory rules and regulations while reducing risk and compliance reporting.


Key Features

  • Provides a secure 24/7 integrated solution for processing student and non-student payments made in-person and via the portal/links for cash, check, credit card, ACH payments and disbursement transactions.
  • Daily integration with General Ledger (SAP), Parking and Student Account systems.
  • Offers printing options that include customer receipts, document validation, check endorsement and location/teller balancing for audit
  • Customer email confirmations for payments and account updates
  • Daily credit card settlement
  • Daily ACH processing including returns with the bank
  • Replaces the departmental cash/credit voucher process with a new cash/check/credit card upload process that involves less paper and data entry.
  • Payment gateway integration with Telegraph web forms.

What to Expect

This service normally will be available 24/7 except for standard change windows, as described in IS&T’s standard policies, procedures, and schedules for making changes.


  • Students must have an active student account and a Kerberos password.
  • Staff Administration must:
    • SAP User ID and authorization roles
    • Nelnet account access and roles
    • Appropriate accounting codes obtained from the General Accounting Office
    • Order types for different transactions for Nelnet from Cashier Services as well as teller setup, merchant numbers, MIDs, and TIDs for processing credit card transactions
  • Any office or department wishing to process credit card payments from its public website(s) must retain the resources for the creation and maintaining of the website and for the incorporation of the appropriate Cashier functionality.
  • Users for Commerce Manager module can use either a Windows-based PC or Mac. Staff using the Cashiering module in Cashier Services, Student Accounts or Parking need Windows-based PCs.

Getting Started

  • Contact your Data Security Administrator (DSA)to be issued a Business Function ID (BFID) and ensure that your permit access and value-security values are appropriate for your roles and responsibilities.
  • Contact Cashier Servicesto indicate your desire to use Cashier, to discuss your needs, to learn about requirements, and to obtain the appropriate Cashier interface and options.
  • Contact IS&T to assist you with website development and the incorporation of Cashier functionality into your site.