Climate, Biogeoscience, and Health: Transformative Science to Real-World Action.

  • Starts: 10:00 am on Friday, December 6, 2024
  • Ends: 1:00 pm on Friday, December 6, 2024
The BUSPH Center for Climate and Health (CCH) and the BU Graduate Program in Urban Biogeoscience & Environmental Health (URBAN) will host “Climate, Biogeoscience, and Health: Transformative Science to Real-World Action” on December 6th. This symposium will showcase leading research at the intersection of climate change and human health drawn from across Boston University with particular focus on research that is relevant, actionable, and directly connected to policy and practice. This event will feature a keynote speaker, lightning talks from faculty, followed by a reception with light refreshments. Registration requested below.
Center for Computing & Data Sciences, Room 1750 (17th Floor)
Contact Name
Casey DeMarsico (
Host (Department, School, Center, etc.)
Center for Climate and Health, BU URBAN, BU Biogeoscience Program, Hariri Institute
SPH Audience (Staff, Faculty, All Students, On Campus Students, Online MPH Students)
Staff, Faculty, On Campus Students
Open to the public (Yes, No, By Invitation Only)
665 Commonwealth Ave, Boston, MA