Najam Presents the SDPI Distinguished Lecture
Dear Adil Najam presented the 2020 SDPI Distinguished Lecture on “The World in 2020: An Update on the New World Disorder.”
Pardee School Dean Meets With Alumni in Los Angeles
Dean Adil Najam’s talk on “The New World Disorder” was hosted by Pardee School alumna Julia Kim Clarke (Pardee ’91) and Ben Clarke.
Najam Gives Lecture at SDPI on the New World Disorder
Dean Adil Najam discussed his “new world disorder” thesis at the Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI) in Islamabad.
Najam Keynotes at Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
Dean Adil Najam presented a talk on “The New World Disorder” as the keynote address at conference on Social Science and Humanities in the New Millennium.
Najam Interviewed on “New World Disorder” Thesis
Dean Adil Najam was interviewed on Pakistan’s Capital TV on how a “new world disorder” is now defining global politics.
Najam Delivers 2017 Kleh Distinguished Lecture
Dean Adil Najam delivered the 2017 Kleh Distinguished Lecture in London, on “The New World Disorder: The Politics of Anti-Politics.”
Najam Speaks at MIT SPURS Humphrey Fellows Commencement
Dean Adil Najam was the keynote speaker at the 49th commencement ceremony of the MIT SPURS and Humphrey Fellows.
Pardee School at BU Latin American Alumni Summit
Pardee School Dean Adil Najam delivered the keynote address at the Summit entitled “Understanding This Global Moment.”
Najam Writes Op-Ed on ‘The New World Disorder’
Najam argues that we may be seeing the messy dismantling of a world order.