Graduate Assistantships


Each semester, graduate students at Pardee are invited to apply for hourly paid graduate assistantships with Pardee faculty. Graduate assistantships are a great opportunity to gain valuable research and/or project management experience, working side by side with a faculty member. 

Application Process

Students apply for fall graduate assistantships in August, and for spring graduate assistantships in December/January. An email is sent to all students from the Graduate Office each August and December/January calling for applications. 

To apply, students must complete an online form with their research and language skills and areas of interest.

The Graduate Office attempts to match as many applicants with professors as possible. However, because matches are based on the compatibility of a professor’s research needs with an applicant’s research interests and skills, it is not always possible to provide every applicant with a graduate assistant position.


All current and incoming Pardee graduate students are eligible to apply.

For any questions about graduate assistantships, please reach out to the Graduate Office at