Miller Publishes Op-Ed on Chinese Fragility

Manjari Chatterjee Miller, Associate Professor of International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University, wrote an op-ed in Hindustan Times on the fragilities revealed by China’s increasingly assertive behavior on the world stage. This article is the first of what will be a monthly column in Hindustan Times.

In the op-ed, Miller examines China’s aggressive approach to international relations and how this reveals a lot about the countries insecurity and fragility. She discusses a recent border conflict between Chinese and Indian troops in the Galwan River Valley as the most recent example of China courting hostility and asserting dominance. Leaders from both countries scrambled to cool down the situation, but the brash nature of China’s actions raise the question of whether it’s all an effort to mask the countries worries concerning its global image.

An excerpt:

The Galwan clash has been seen by many as yet another example of China’s rising belligerence. Indeed, in a recent article in the Foreign Affairs journal, Kurt Campbell and Mira Hooper argued that China’s ‘confidence’ and willingness to ‘court…open hostility’ is one in a long line of recent behaviors…While it is true that China’s behavior on the world stage is beginning, under the powerful leadership of Xi Jinping, to be more active and assertive, in the rush to worry about a rising China and apply assertiveness as a singular label across all foreign policy issue areas, there has been less focus on the fragilities revealed by China’s behavior.

The full op-ed can be read here.

Manjari Chatterjee Miller is Associate Professor of International Relations at the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies at Boston University. She works on foreign policy and security issues with a focus on South and East Asia. Her most recent book, Routledge Handbook of China–India Relations (Routledge & CRC Press, 2020), is the comprehensive guide to the Chinese-Indian relationship covering expansive ideas ranging from the historical relationship to current disputes to AI, connectivity and outer space written by both academic and policy experts based all over the world. Learn more about her here