Korean National Police University Delegation Signs Partnership with BU’s MET International
On Monday, April 24, Boston University’s Metropolitan College welcomed a delegation from the Korean National Police University (KNPU), headed by KNPU President and Chief Superintendent General Kim Soon-Ho.
Arts Administration Program Welcomes First International Student Hailing from Cuba
MET’s Arts Administration program values and advances global perspectives in arts management—and it is proud to be joined by its first-ever Cuban international student, Amor Díaz Campos, already an accomplished organizer in her home country.
Fun, Games, and Cultural Exchange as Visiting Indonesian Students Lead Festival Celebration
In the fall 2022 semester, 20 recipients of the Indonesian International Student Mobility Award (IISMA) joined Boston University through MET International for an educational exchange. Part of a program fully funded by the Indonesian government, IISMA provides Indonesian undergraduate students with the chance to spend a semester overseas at top partner schools, where they can […]
International Students Get Warm Introduction to Vital American Cultural Institution: S’mores
There’s something of a new annual tradition among the students of American Institutions and Culture (MET MG 545), thanks to BU MET lecturer Jamie Robertson. As part of the course’s primer on American history and culture, its cohort of visiting MET International students have also gotten introduced to a classic, three-pronged sweet treat: s’mores. The […]
Partnership, Collaboration, and Mobilization: A Metropolitan College Case Study
Despite an encroaching pandemic, MET harnesses a history of innovation and teamwork to successfully deliver three jeopardized modules with international partner Universidad San Pablo CEU in Madrid. For 14 years, the MET International spring break course in Spain had gone off without a hitch. There was no reason for the program’s coordinators to expect a […]
MET International Welcomes Global Partner, Audencia Business School
MET International forges strategic alliances with educational partners worldwide, providing industry-leading academic models as well as access to the Boston University experience—exclusively for students from BU Metropolitan College partner institutions. One such global partner is Audencia Business School in Nantes, France. On May 1, 2019, MET International—under the leadership of Executive Director Neus Codina—welcomed Dr. […]
Collaborating Minds: CEU–MET Partnership
Madrid, Spain: Six faculty from the Metropolitan College (MET) Department of Administrative Sciences travel to Madrid annually to lead three intensive business modules on campus at the Universidad CEU San Pablo. Part of a firmly established collaboration between the Administrative Sciences department, MET International, and CEU, the modules are attended by CEU business and advertising students […]
Thanksgiving Firsts
For Americans, Thanksgiving is an annual celebration of food and family. However, many people around the world have never experienced the holiday—or its hearty flavors. The Boston Globe profiled several MET International students as they sampled turkey, gravy, cranberry sauce, pumpkin tarts, and more.
MET International Students from Macedonia in Networking Event
Last night MET International students Nino Karas, Natalija Najdova, and Nikola Stavrevski presented posters at the international networking event When Culture Meets Business Opportunity.
MET represents BU on U.S. Department of Commerce education mission to Brazil
Katherine Dunkerley, assistant director of international business development for MET International, represented Boston University during the U.S. Department of Commerce’s historic education services mission exploring student recruitment and educational partnership opportunities in Brazil. Katherine joined Under Secretary for International Trade Francisco Sánchez and representatives of 66 U.S. colleges and universities on the tour. Read the […]