In Third Annual Ranalli Lecture, ICA Director Champions Making a Difference by Staying in Place
“Artists are writing the narratives of our times.” Hear what ICA Director Jill Medvedow had to say about the ways that remaining in one place can help arts leaders make distinct impacts in the field during her Daniel Ranalli Lecture, sponsored by MET’s Arts Administration program.
In Inspiring Visit to BU, National Endowment for the Arts Chair Champions Impact of Creative Community Engagement and Arts Administration
How does one go about measuring the value of art, and how does that inform the way we seek to build just and equitable communities? National Endowment for the Arts Chair Maria Rosario Jackson joined the Arts Administration for a guest lecture that spoke being purpose-driven when advancing the arts.
Special Arts Administration Lecture Puts Spotlight on Balance Between Academics and Artistry
The founder of the BU MET Arts Administration program is returning to MET to lead the first in what will be an annual series of lectures concerning careers in the arts. On Friday, April 29, 2022, at 6 pm, Daniel Ranalli, who established MET’s graduate program in arts administration in 1992, will deliver Balancing the […]
Arts Administration’s Daniel Ranalli and the Art of Museum Viewing
On Friday, April 11, Associate Professor and Director of Arts Administration Daniel Ranalli participated in the Harvard Institute for Learning in Retirement series “Fridays @ HILR.” During The Art of Museum Viewing, Ranalli, Harvard Art Museums Director Thomas Lentz, and Boston Globe art critic Sebastian Smee discussed the following questions: Why do people go to […]
Man Meets Nature to Create Art
Associate Professor and Director of Arts Administration Daniel Ranalli has new work in “Beyond Human: Artist-Animal Collaborations,” the inaugural exhibition in the redesigned Art & Nature Center at the Peabody Essex Museum in Salem, Mass.
Daniel Ranalli’s art on display at URI and PEM
MET’s own Daniel Ranalli, director of the Arts Administration program, has two exhibits underway in the month of October. Now through October 30, the University of Rhode Island Art Gallery has one of Professor Ranalli’s Daily Observances pieces on display. The show is called the 25th Anniversary Sea Grant Exhibition and includes 18 artists who […]
Prof. Daniel Ranalli Curates Art Show; Gov. Patrick Honored
Professor Daniel Ranalli, director of the graduate program in arts administration and Massachusetts Cultural Council Artist fellow, curated the Fine Arts Work Center’s 4th Annual Summer Celebration in Provincetown, MA. The awards gala and fundraiser was attended by honoree Governor Deval Patrick on July 13, 2013. Patrick was chosen because of his efforts to keep […]
Sunday’s Boston Globe featured several members of the MET community.
In the review of a current Robert Motherwell exhibition in Provincetown, Mass., Arts Administration director Daniel Ranalli was quoted from his essay on the artist. Ranalli helped organize the exhibit along with Lise Motherwell, Robert Motherwell's daughter, who has also been a student at MET. Poet, Jill McDonough, who has taught in MET's Prison Education […]