Research on Tap: Safety, Justice, and Health in US Cities

  • Starts: 4:00 pm on Wednesday, March 15, 2023
  • Ends: 6:00 pm on Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Co-sponsored by the Office of Research and the Initiatives on Cities

Featuring: Jonathan Jay and Jessica Simes (hosts), Claudia Anderson, Shea Cronin, Katherine Einstein, Jennifer Green, Leonardo Martinez, Heather Schoenfeld, Michael Ulrich

Community violence and the criminal justice system are gaining recognition as important determinants of health. Emerging literature demonstrates that these factors influence health not only directly (e.g., injuries from gun violence, police brutality) but also indirectly (e.g., the impacts of conflicts with law enforcement and incarceration on mental and prenatal health). As cities and political leaders consider criminal justice reform and violence prevention, research is having a direct impact on this national conversation.

This Research on Tap event will highlight multidisciplinary research at BU to expose links between safety, justice, and health in US cities and explore solutions through community-based and policy-engaged work.

Kilachand Center, 610 Commonwealth Avenue, Howard Eichenbaum Colloquium Room