Planning for Anti-Racist Cities: How Planners Can Champion Racial Equity in the Field

  • Starts: 7:45 pm on Thursday, October 29, 2020

Planners and professionals in the planning industry play a key role in helping shape cities, their policies and how they choose to stand up for racial equity. How can planners adapt a racial equity lens for their profession? What role does academia play in preparing planners in helping create anti-racist cities? Join us for this conversation with leaders in the planning field. Panelists include:

  • Jessica Martinez, MassDevelopment, Transformative Development Initiative Fellow
  • Joyce Sanchez, National Grid, Senior Specialist
  • Courtney Lewis, Metropolitan Area Planning Council, Regional Land Use Planner II
  • Dr. Meghan Venable-Thomas, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Culture of Health Leaders Fellow; Cultural Resilience Program Director, National Initiatives

    Moderated by Beya Jimenez, Director of Economic Opportunity, Greater Boston Chamber of Commerce. This event is part of #BUcity Co-Lab Week.