Affiliated graduate students are eligible to apply for travel and research support from the Elie Wiesel Center. The amounts of awards vary by need and availability, and we offer several awards that include:
Levine, Martin Family Scholarship
This scholarship is open to Boston University students from any school or college who have shown outstanding performance in Jewish Studies and related fields. By nomination or application, the Levine, Martin Family Scholarship recipients will be chosen by the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies prize committee. Students should apply directly to, and the recipients will be chosen by the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies prize committee on a rolling basis.
Henry J and Carole Pinkney Research Scholarship
This scholarship supports any Boston University undergraduate or graduate student’s research in Jewish Studies. Students can request funds to cover travel expenses, conference fees, and other costs directly related to research or professional development. Students should apply directly to and will be considered by the prize committee on a rolling basis.
David V. Karney Israel Travel Scholarship
This scholarship supports Boston University students with outstanding academic records pursuing study abroad, research, and other approved activities in Israel. Students should apply directly to and will be considered by the prize committee on a rolling basis.
Einhorn Book Award
This award supports a Boston University graduate student for purchasing books in all areas of Jewish Studies. Students should apply directly to and will be considered on a rolling basis for specific book purchases up to $500 per student per year. Decisions will be made jointly by the Religion Department Chair and the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies Director.
To apply, you must submit the following:
- a research proposal and impact statement
- a detailed budget and indication of other sources of funding
- an updated curriculum vitae
- a letter of recommendation from your adviser
Students who receive funding must submit a research/travel report within six months of travel or completion of research.
For updated information on funding opportunities and other graduate inquiries, please contact Prof. Nancy Harrowitz at (617) 353-6207 or
If you are an applicant to the Ph.D. program of the Graduate Program in Religion (GPR) of the Boston University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and plan to specialize in an area of Jewish studies, you will be considered for five-year, fully-funded Jewish studies graduate fellowships. Fellowship support includes all required tuition expenses, health insurance, and a competitive living stipend. Consideration for these fellowships will be part of the GPR application review process. For more information about the GPR, including program information and requirements, application procedures, and deadlines, please visit or write to