Affiliated graduate students are eligible to apply for travel and research support from the Elie Wiesel Center. Amounts of awards vary by need and availability. Funds include:

Henry J. and Carole Pinkney Research Scholarship

The Henry J. and Carole Pinkney Research Scholarship is available for any Boston University undergraduate or graduate student to support research in Jewish Studies. Students may request funds up to $500 per year for travel expenses, conference fees, and other research-related expenses. The award amount depends on funding availability, and applicants should be in good standing and provide a research budget or other expense justification, as well as a letter of endorsement from their advisor. Applications are considered on a rolling basis throughout the academic year.

To apply: interested students can apply by completing the online application HERE and requesting their advisor to send a letter of endorsement to

Einhorn Book Award

The Einhorn Book Award provides funding to Boston University graduate students for the purchase of books related to Jewish Studies, with a limit of $500 per student per year. Students may request multiple books per application, and decisions are made jointly by the Chair of the Religion Department and the Director of the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies. The deadline for this award is rolling. 

To apply: students should send an email to with the following

  • a research proposal and impact statement
  • a detailed budget and an indication of other sources of funding
  • an updated curriculum vitae
  • a letter of recommendation from their adviser

Students who receive funding must submit a research or travel report within six months of travel or completion of research.


Ph.D. applicants to the Graduate Program in Religion (GPR) of the Boston University Graduate School of Arts and Sciences who plan to specialize in an area of Jewish studies will be considered for five-year, fully-funded Jewish studies graduate fellowships. Fellowship support includes all required tuition expenses, health insurance, and a competitive living stipend. Consideration for these fellowships will be part of the GPR application review process. For information about the GPR, including program information and requirements, application procedures, and deadlines, please visit or contact

For updated information on funding opportunities and other graduate inquiries, please contact Prof. Nancy Harrowitz at (617) 353-6207 or

Graduate Scholarship Awardees

Elie Ash 

Elie Ash

Elie Ash is a Ph.D. student in the Graduate Program of Religion. Her dissertation focuses on the role of belief and ideology in the religious lives of participants in partnership minyans, an emergent feminist Orthodox style of congregation. She has received funding through the Brook Family Fund and the Einhorn Book Award for Research in Jewish Studies.

In her words, “I have benefited greatly from our Jewish Studies courses and conversations with the affiliated faculty, including in particular Professors Steven Katz, Deeana Klepper, Jonathan Klawans, Diana Lobel, and Michael Zank. At EWCJS events, I have consistently found warm interest and good advice from other faculty I work less closely with as well as from students and former students, including the fantastic Dr. Theresa Cooney, who serves as our program administrator.”

David Malamud

David Malamud

David Malamud is a graduate student pursuing a Ph.D. in Religion specializing in Religions of the Ancient Mediterranean. He is a recipient of the Drapkin-Fasel Jewish Studies Graduate Fellowship. David was awarded the Henry J. and Carole Pinkney Scholarship to study at the Yeshivat Hadar Summer Beit Midrash program at the Hadar Institute. David is also a recipient of the Einhorn Book Award for Research in Jewish Studies. 

He said, “With the support of the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies, I had the pleasure of spending a summer at Hadar, where I was able to deeply develop my text skills in an immersive environment while finding and making lasting friendships.” 

Read David Malamud’s piece about Uyghur and Kazakh concentration camps in western China on the EWCJS blog.

Chaim Elly Moseson 

Chaim Elly Moseson

Chaim “Elly” Moseson graduated with a Ph.D. in the Texts and Traditions track in the Graduate Program in Religion. His dissertation offers a comprehensive and critical assessment of the earliest traditions that recorded the teachings of the founder of the Hasidic movement, Israel Baal Shem Tov. He is a past recipient of the Einhorn Book Award. 

He said, “I look back at my years at Boston University, and I am filled with gratitude toward the Elie Wiesel Center for Jewish Studies. From my very first visit to the BU campus as a prospective student, the faculty, staff, and fellow students affiliated with the Center have been a constant source of friendship, support, and guidance. From the very beginning, I was offered both financial and moral support to pursue my studies and research both in and outside of Boston University. My dissertation project was immeasurably enriched by the opportunities I received to conduct research, attend workshops, and present at conferences at various locations in the United States, Europe, and Israel.”