Student Clubs & Organizations
Student Clubs
- Terrier Motorsport Boston University Racing is a student-run formula racing group focused on developing a fully-electric racing vehicle.
- Boston University Rocket Propulsion The Boston University Rocket Propulsion Group is an undergraduate research group that designs, manufactures, and launches rockets, with the goal of being the first university group to launch a liquid fueled rocket to space.
- Cleantech Club An engineering-focused community of students and faculty interested in the advancement of sustainable technology.
- Engineers Without Borders The BU Chapter of non-profit humanitarian organization EWB was established to partner with developing communities to design impactful and sustainable technology, improve quality of life, and tackle issues regarding sanitation, water, education and global awareness.
- Energy Club The Energy Club serves as the link between scientists, engineers and entrepreneurs to synthesize energy-related ideas from a multi-disciplinary stream of educational and professional sources.
- Global Engineering Brigade Global Engineering Brigades aims to design, engineer, and implement sustainable clean water systems for under resourced communities in Honduras.
- High-Performance Computing Club The BU High-Performance Computing Club teaches students from the ground up about super computing and high performance computing relevant knowledge, as well as competing in international supercomputing contests all around the world.
- Mars Rover A club that designs an innovative Mars exploration rover from scratch to compete in the annual University Rover Challenge. The competition is held on Mars Desert Research Station with over 100 teams representing over twelve countries worldwide.
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Boston University’s Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Team (BU UAV) is an engineering student group focused on the emerging future of drones.
Professional Societies
- American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics The BU branch of the American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics is a professional society dedicated to supporting BU engineers in finding lifelong resources and opportunities in the aerospace field.
- American Society for Bioethics and Humanities This nonpartisan organization promotes awareness and discussion of the ethical issues arising from advances in science and medicine.
- American Society of Mechanical Engineers The BU chapter of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers aims to educate members about practical issues in mechanical engineering, and to promote interest in the field through lectures, tours, competitions, and conferences.
- Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) The mission of the Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) is to serve as the world’s leading society of professionals devoted to developing and using engineering and technology to advance human health and well-being.
- BU Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers The BU chapter of the IEEE, an international non-profit, professional organization for the advancement of technology related to electricity.
- National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) NSBE’s mission is to increase the number of culturally responsible black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.
- Society of Asian Scientists & Engineers (SASE) The Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers, also known as SASE, is dedicated to the advancement of Asian heritage scientists and engineers in education and employment so that they can achieve their full career potential.
- Society of Automotive Engineers (Baja) The Society of Automotive Engineers works to advance the field of mobility. Members are dedicated to furthering the research, development, design, manufacture, and utilization of land, sea, air, and space vehicles.
- Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers SHPE’s mission is to promote the development of Hispanics in engineering, science and other technical professions to achieve educational excellence, economic opportunity and social equity.
- Society of Manufacturing Engineers The Society of Manufacturing Engineers is an organization of engineering, technical and mechanical management professionals who represent the manufacturing enterprise.
- Society of Women Engineers The SWE mission is to encourage women to achieve potential in careers as engineers and leaders, expand the image of the engineering profession as a positive force in improving quality of life and demonstrate the value of diversity.
Graduate Student Groups
- Student Association of Graduate Engineers (SAGE) SAGE addresses issues and concerns of graduate students in the College of Engineering. We host biweekly socials and activities throughout the year.
- Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) trains scientists and engineers in addressing the global questions of the future through innovative curricula, internships and focusing on problem-centered training.
- National GEM Consortium Partnering with BU since 1976, the National GEM Consortium seeks to increase the participation of underrepresented groups at the master’s and doctoral levels in engineering and science.
- Northeast Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate The NEAGEP Program Office is a resource for the BU community that assists with promoting access to graduate programs in science, mathematics and engineering for underrepresented groups.
- Graduate Women in Science and Engineering (GWISE) GWISE strives to create a social and professional network which fosters interactions among graduate women across the science and engineering disciplines at BU.
- Out in STEM (oSTEM) is a student organization committed to fostering a supportive community for and promoting the professional development of BU’s LGBTQIA+ graduate students in the science, technology, engineering, and math fields.
Honor Societies
- Alpha Eta Mu Beta (BME Honor Society) Alpha Eta Mu Beta is the honor society for biomedical engineering. The society promotes an understanding of the profession, and recognizes and encourages excellence within the field.
- Pi Tau Sigma (ME Honor Society) Pi Tau Sigma is the International Honor Society for Mechanical Engineers. Pi Tau Sigma members are chosen on a basis of sound engineering ability, scholarship service, leadership, and integrity.
- Sigma Gamma Tau (Aerospace Honor Society) Sigma Gamma Tau is the honor society for Aerospace Engineering. The objective of the society is to recognize and honor those individuals in the field of aeronautics and astronautics who have, through scholarship, integrity, and outstanding achievement, been a credit to their profession.
- Tau Beta Pi (ENG Honor Society) Tau Beta Pi is the oldest engineering honor society and the second oldest collegiate honor society in the United States. It honors engineering students in American universities who have shown a history of academic achievement as well as a commitment to personal and professional integrity.
More on Undergrad Organizations
- Engineers’ Week (E-Week): E-Week events are offered to encourage interaction and communication among engineering students, faculty, alumni and industry.
- ENG Student Organization Funding Form.
- Engineering Student Government aims foster loyalty, promote school and class interest, establish unification among the various classes, and act as a liaison between students and the administration. They host many social events throughout the year, such as the annual ENG formal.
- Student Association of Graduate Engineers (SAGE) SAGE addresses issues and concerns of graduate students in the College of Engineering. We host biweekly socials and activities throughout the year.
- BU Center of Excellence for Learning in Education, Science & Technology (CELEST): CELEST studies natural intelligence. This program reaches undergraduate and graduate students, public school students in Boston-area cities and thousands of students in New England who participate in summer programs at Boston University.