Yale SCM/WSCF Exhibit Now Online!
The Yale Divinity Library has posted a terrific online exhibit on the Student Christian Movement. Followers of the CGCM website and activity know that we are vitally concerned with reclaiming the memory of the Student Christian Movement in the United States. From the 1880s to 1969, it invited college students to engage with their world […]
Alum Charles Farhadian’s Book on Conversion Released
We have just received notice that Charles Farhadian’s “Oxford Handbook of Religious Conversion”, which was co-authored with Lewis R. Rambo, has been released. According to the book’s listing on the Amazon website, it “offers a comprehensive exploration of the dynamics of religious conversion, which for centuries has profoundly shaped societies, cultures, and individuals throughout the […]
Post Doctoral Research Opportunity
A year in Geneva The Post Doctoral Research Program of the Foundation for Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue Thanks to the support of the Levant Foundation, FIIRD is pleased to announce the call for the Post Doctoral Program: Interreligious and Intercultural Research and Dialogue. Support for four fellows will be provided for the 2014-2015 […]
Athyal Elected NEMAAR Vice-President
Dr. Jesudas Athyal, a Visiting Researcher at the CCGM, has been elected vice-president of the New England-Maritimes region of the American Academy of Religion. He is the Editor of the recently completed Religion in Southeast Asia: An Encyclopedia, and Associate Editor, Oxford Encyclopedia of South Asian Christianity (2 volumes), on the 2000 years of Christianity […]
Global religion part of the conversation for the launch of the Pardee School of Global Studies
A recent panel held in Santa Monica, CA, in honor of Frederick S. Pardee, included panelists Andy Bacevich, Jonathan Simon, Dana Robert (CGCM Director), Adil Najam, and Tony Janetos. Panelists discussed issues of “Advancing the Global Human Condition,” including those of urbanization, war and peace, environmentalism, and the meaning of global human community. You can […]
African Studies Center News
BU’s African Studies Center has just released a new newsletter. Check it out! Our own Liz Parsons will be giving a Walter Rodney lecture on March 3, “Witchcraft in the Workplace: Lessons from Zambia on Living Lightly in a Heavily Developed World.” It will be from 12-1:30 pm at 325 Bay State Rd., Room 505.
New Pew Survey on Global Religious Hostilities
A new Pew Research Center survey of global religious hostilities has been released. The survey found that one-third of the 198 countries surveyed showed a high level of social hostilities involving religion, the highest it has been since the survey began in 2007. A Christian Science Monitor story probes the causes and consequences of the […]
Alum Receives Book of the Year Award!
Sung-Deuk Oak’s new book, The Making of Korean Christianity, published this fall as the first of the new Baylor Studies in World Christianity monograph series, has been named “Book of the Year” by Books & Culture magazine. You may view the announcement here.
Distinguished Alum Jerry Anderson Honored in Rome
Gerald (Jerry) Anderson (STH’55, GRS’60) met Pope Francis, gave a lecture and received an honorary Doctor of Missiology degree from the Pontifical Urbaniana University in Rome on November 14. The degree was presented to him by Cardinal Fernando Filoni, the Chancellor of the university. It was the first time an honorary degree has been given […]
Zurlo Lectures in Busan
Doctoral student Gina Zurlo was on the faculty of the Global Ecumenical Theological Institute at the 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches in Busan, South Korea (October 30–November 8, 2013). Gina gave a lecture titled, “Demographics of World and Asian Christianity” to a group of 200 students from 60 countries, representing 80 different […]